Yesterday at Mass Fr. Angelo reminded us that today's feast day is NOT for the canonized saints in Heaven. It's for people who are in heaven who do not have a feast day.
That means we are honoring those of our families and friends who Made It! Woohoo.
Pretty cool huh?
I remember the first time I heard Mother Angelica say that we are ALL called to be saints. I had never heard that before. At the time, I had never even thought that I could EVER be a saint!
Shows how much I knew right!
It turns out that we ARE all called to be saints. A saint is someone who did their best to follow God's call and died in a state of grace. Even those of us who were so lost at one time and those of us who have committed grave sins. Praise God for His patience, Mercy, and forgiveness when we come to Him.
We don't know the state of someone's soul when they die. Only God knows that. That's where we get the quote that we can't judge whether someone went to heaven or hell.
The church teaches that if we die in a state of grace we go to Purgatory where our soul is cleansed. Our soul needs to be without blemish to enter Heaven.
Everyone who enters Heaven is a SAINT! Woohoo! Today we pray for All Saints!
You've probably heard that we should not aim for purgatory because if we miss ...... yikes!
The best is to aim for Heaven, right.
Praise God that there is HOPE for us all!!
Enjoy the adventure.
Oh! and don't forget. Tomorrow we pray for All Souls. We pray for those who have died. We pray for those who are in Purgatory.
Let's all pray for each other and our nation while we are at it.
May God bless you all. 👍🏼🤗🙏🏼👣💞
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